Online Menternships by the Ministry of Labour
This initiative is to help Omani students studying in Higher Education courses to get Industry certified work experience to increase their employability.
3 found
Certified by
Create a Hiring Strategy for a Leading Product Firm to Scale Their Team
Human Resource
Talent Acquisition
How can Uber hire 1500 Software Engineers from top talent pools in 12 months?
Certified by
Certified by
Build Marketing Strategies to Ensure Customer Adoption at Different Stages of the Product Life Cycle
Marketing Strategy
Customer research
It is easy to create a buzz around new products, but a true blue marketeers knows how to sell what has been around since forever in the same size, shape and form. Example: 5-star chocolate!
Certified by
Certified by
Analysis of Sales Data of Retail Stores Across America Using Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Visualisation
Business Analytics
Data Analysis
EDA practice - if you are eyeing a career in data science, this is the first step of your thousand mile journey. Master Exploratory Data Analysis.
Certified by